One of the byproducts of the pandemic and sheltering-in-place is getting nostalgic for things. When you are an odd person like me, apparently the nostalgia rabbit hole goes down to old Fresno websites.
I randomly ran into my friend and podcast co-host, Joshua Tehee, while picking up beer at Zack’s Brewing in Downtown Fresno. I had to take a picture as I have not seen the dude in-person in a while and certainly not with his mask on.
It reminded me of a segment on the old Fresno Famous website called “Famous People”. A Fresnan is asked a series of fashion-related questions. Those questions would be turned into a blog post.
So I reenacted this segment on my Instagram page and Josh was nice enough to play along. These are exactly how the questions used to go:

Name: Famous Whitewater. Spotted: Zack's Brewing. Occupation: Writer at the Fresno Bee. Instructor at Aikido of Fresno. Local musician, It'll Grow Back, Strikingly Originals and more. Podcast host. The Ensemble: Mask from Take Care Supply. Shirt from $crap$ Shoppe. Pants from Chrome Industries. Helmet from Explore Thousand. Watch by Timex and Engineered Garments. Fashion Philosophy: Don't buy cheap clothes. Buy one thing that will last forever. Place To Shop: (See shops above). How Much Would You Pay For Shoes?: I haven't tested my upper limit but it would be a lot, I'm sure.
Thanks for playing along, Josh. And if I can revive any other old Fresno Famous things, I’ll let you guys know.