Wind Storm Day In Fresno

cfeb2265-6ceb-4c5a-b2b6-6894d3e66d58 Wind Storm Day In Fresno
A windyass, brown, dusty day in Fresno

It was a weird one in Fresno today. A full day of strong wind gusts reminded me I could never live in a windy place. It flipping sucks.

I was on the Clinton overpass over 99 today where you can see a lot of the city and it was just dust everywhere. More surreal than the wildfire days.

For a second I thought the Sunrise Market sign might go:

This is nothing exciting but it’s a clip of Canadian geese coming in for a landing behind the Save Mart at Bullard & West:

Thank goodness this was just a freak day. Not a fan. (FAN? …. ?)

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...