Why Can’t Fresno Be The Test Market For THIS, Taco Bell?

50914622-312E-4B92-9F04-46E2396582C0 Why Can’t Fresno Be The Test Market For THIS, Taco Bell?

Fresno is king of Drive-Thrus. We are also the test market for many things fast food – we approved Doritos Locos Tacos (you’re welcome? world).

So why the HELL aren’t we getting this new Taco Bell drive-thru concept first!?

The innovative restaurant reimagines the traditional drive-thru experience with four lanes, three of which are dedicated to mobile or delivery order pickups, providing fast, skip-the-line service for customers who order via the Taco Bell app and third-party delivery services. These three lanes will supplement one traditional lane, easing the flow of traffic and ensuring a speedy experience.

-Somebody at Taco Bell

I guess some town in Minnesota is getting this first.

Really, all our drive-thrus should be this concept or we should trash them and not have any.

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The Fresnan

Hey, Mikey Seay here. Local nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, Star Wars, beer and other junk. Find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat: @thefresnan CHEERS!