Is The Time Almost Here When Downtown Fresnans Will Look Down On Tower District People?

 IMG_7270 Is The Time Almost Here When Downtown Fresnans Will Look Down On Tower District People? 
North of Shaw vs. South of Shaw. The eternal Fresno battle.

People South of Shaw don’t like Northerners coming into their cool spots and people North of Shaw… think nothing. 

So there is your battleground, and Shaw is the dividing line. Gritty, creative, urban life on the South side. Suburbia, chains and “nice things” on the Northern side.

But is there another tension brewing? Are groups of Downtowners becoming identifiable when they venture into other areas of Fresno?

Tower Folk already don’t like it when a group of NE Fresnans comes in. For realz, you can tell when a group of Northerns wander into Goldstiens, looking to slum it for a night. Or a couple of Clovisians strut in with a cowboy hat and a confused look.

So is it inevitable Tower people will be looking sideways at Downtown hipsters? Will the Loft People Of Downtown (not a real title yet but it should be) start mad-dogging Tower Rats until they leave Tioga Beer Garden?

We may not be there yet. But I feel it coming.

Let’s Debate This Via Podcast

If you feel like listening to Fresno stuff, we try to figure out if there actually is a divide between Tower people and Downtown people, in the new episode of Flowing With Famous:


The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...

7 thoughts to “Is The Time Almost Here When Downtown Fresnans Will Look Down On Tower District People?”

  1. I can see it coming as well. Down towners usual are known as hipsters that want to live in that urban gentrified environment that usually have a descent job to afford rent downtown. Whereas tower rats are often more gritty and “smokey” if you know what I mean. I think both areas have there cultural identity. But as DTF develops further and rent spaces increase and gets more gentrified your gona get more higher income hipsters moving there to be a part of the movement and we will see the cultural dichotomy get worse. And we all know it’s about “turf” and claiming your area. But maybe the powers that be can use this to their advantage with good planning they can connect the 2 areas with pedicabs or trolley system that way they can use the synergy of each other to grow.

  2. hipsters, suburbia folks, tower grit, is better than criminals. if the entire area can gentrify with these types of people and move the bad unwanted classifications of people like gangs, criminals, homeless, shady people etc to madera or bakersfield or anywhere other than fresno, i dont care.

    all of this is good for the city in my opinion.

  3. I think it’s great that this type of culture within the Fresno metro area continues to form because it shows that our region has a distinct and unique image. We are Central California and THE Central Valley. North Fresno is far different from places like the Tower District and Downtown/Mural District. North Fresno is surburbia and we know our region definitely enjoys that because I believe every large city needs places like Northeast Fresno, Fig Garden, and Clovis. Likewise, every city needs a Tower & Downtown. With the continued effort and investment to rehabilitate Downtown Fresno, I have a feeling that the area will be home to hipster lofts/studios and sophisticated condos owned by the business/government crowd. Rent will be a little higher as neighborhoods within downtown will continue to grow and demand for housing options continue to increase. I envision a Downtown Fresno with high rises and bustling streets with pedestrians from all walks of life enjoying the hustle and bustle of Downtown Fresno’s many unique neighborhoods. I also envision Tower as a place of continued culture and unique identity apart from Downtown Fresno, but at the same time be as connected with the Downtown Fresno – Tower District area as much as possible. Both have to be as unique as they are now so that even when you step foot on either side, you’ll know you’re in a hip place. With even more entertainment options throughout the area, I have a feeling that each district with compliment each other. I can’t wait to see Fresno’s future because I know with continued investment, we all benefit by contributing and being a part of what makes Fresno unique in its own right. With that said, let’s continue to support both districts and turn the area into a place where North Fresnans beg to be able to catch a show downtown or just have a lot of fun. I BELIEVE IN DOWNTOWN FRESNO!

    1. DOWN TOWNER WHO ARE YOU? Are you are you one of Craig Schartons crew? That comment was one of the most eloquently stated comments about DTF I’ve ever heard!! WELL DONE!!! WE ALL BELIEVE IN DTF!!

    2. Perfectly said. There is no reason for ANYBODY to look down in anybody. I live in Tower but also love downtown as well. I mean.. 1 min down Wishon/Fulton us how far I am from the Mural District. The two neighborhood’s I’m sure will be supportive of each other, as we are still both way cooler than Northsiders ??

    3. Perfectly said Down Tower. There is no reason for ANYBODY to look down on anybody. I live in Tower but also love downtown as well. I mean.. 1 min down Wishon/Fulton is how far I am from the Mural District. The two neighborhood’s I’m sure will be supportive of each other, as we are still both way cooler than Northsiders ??I really hope to see some cool little spots open up on the Fulton Mall. I say we all just unite and be as one

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