I Have Door Dash Guilt. Help?

Fresno-High-Quesadilla-Gorilla I Have Door Dash Guilt. Help?

It’s has been talked about during this Pandemic, as we use food delivery service up the ying-yang, that Door Dash, Grub Hub and maybe Postmates too, kinda suck as employers. That and restaurants make little to nothing using them.

There was even this post about how Door Dash will deliver food from places that don’t deliver, lose an ass-load of money doing it, just to later convince a restaurant to use them as a delivery service.

My personal morals tell me to not use these delivery services, but I still do… sometimes.

I don’t feel good about it. Makes me uncomfortable every time I do. Not only because I know the restaurant isn’t making nearly as much as it should, but because having a third party handling my food slightly skeezes me out.

The thing I tell myself to make me feel slightly better is that I only use these delivery services for places I would have never ordered from anyway. I still go and pickup takeout from my normal places.

This week, we ordered some Quesadilla Gorilla using GrubHub. I only eat there when I happen to be around Fresno High, it’s slightly outside of my takeout routes.

It was freaking delicious as always. I would not have ordered it otherwise. So why do I feel guilty still?

Would it be better not to use these delivery services at all, or does it make it ok if I’m buying from a local place that I would not have otherwise?

I still don’t know.

(pic taken from here)

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...