Herndon: Fast & The Sometimes Furious

img_2181 Herndon: Fast & The Sometimes Furious

I used to think I was pushing the limits of speeding on Fresno’s streets when I’d go 60 mph down Herndon during my morning commute to work.

No longer. It seems 70 is the new 60 and I’m being left behind. “Out the way, sweet cheeks!”

Oh and don’t slip up getting onto Herndon thinking 50 is going to work. I see people pull out on to Herndon and immediately regret it. “Shit I done fucked up!” is the face made often.


But Herndon in NW Fresno is different from NE Fresno Herndon. The “Clovis side” of Herndon, as I like to call it, has a hard time even reaching the speed limit:

So I guess I’m pleased to have the “freedom” of getting up to 70, if I so desire. It seems we deal with less congestion in the NW.

And, I’m not asking for Fresno PD to start setting up shop at Sierra Sky Park (I’m no narc, bro!), just making an observation.

Something to ponder, Fresnan reader: Is there any other surface Street in Fresno you can get up to 70?…

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...

6 thoughts to “Herndon: Fast & The Sometimes Furious”

  1. Nope, just Herndon because the way it was designed its basically a semi thoroughfare so that’s why you can reach those speeds. But yes anything East of Vaness your gona have a tough time with traffic ans the traffic light spacing. Its gona be hard to get to 70mph unless it’s past 9pm.

  2. Fresno and Clovis really need a highway/freeway that goes from NW fresno by the 99 east that ends/merges with the 168 in clovis with a few exits obviously also to the 41. Obviously that will never happen so herndon is really the quickest/shortest way at times to go east to west and vice versa.

      1. That would be rad and it seems like something they are going to have to do someday. I was actually thinking about this the other day and the issue would be building a new bridge over a large section of the river; I can’t imagine what the price tag would be.

        1. I would prefer it close by the herndon exit simply because there is a huge population in that area and west of the 99. Plus they are continuing to build more new communities there as we speak.

          Madera folks can still drive south on 99 and enter this hypothetical highway/freeway going east. That would have exits obviously on 41, and ends on the 168. You have an entire big section of NW Fresno who have no choice but to go down herndon, shaw etc to go east. or go out of the way down 99 only to go back up crossing 180 then 41/168. And vice versa for those in clovis.

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