Focused On Fresno: ‘Twee’ Are Open

6a00e54ee89e6c8833016764af5685970b-400wi Focused On Fresno: 'Twee' Are Open

Big Grand Opening for Twee today as they complete their bold move from Wishon Row to Downtown and The Warnors. Could this be a Wishon Row business trend? We know that Cafe Corazon loves Downtown and there is probably a spot open in the Warnors building… (just trying to start something).

Speaking of Grand Openings and moves, did you go to the brick and mortar version of Dusty Buns last night? Packed!

Exciting times for two of Fresno's hippest businesses.

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...