If you're a band (or anything else) it has become well known now that only about 20% of your fans on Facebook actually see your posts. Confirming that Facebook sucks cyber shit.
Well 100% of your fans will see info about you and your show if they read The Fresnan and… BANDGEEK!:
KUPPAJOE'S: Three-piece rock outfit from Lafayette, Via Coma, is touring on their new album "Figures" and are nice enough to stop in Fresno. They're hanging in Fresno with Atlas, I Do Not Exist and Le Wolves:

FULTON 55: Local rock from Session and The White Glove Service and Sea Of Sound:

FROM UNDER THE RUG: A local publishing company called "From Under The Rug" is having a art & music show to celebrate the book release of The Many Moons All In Orbit, Volume II. The company itself is a collaboration book of local Fresnans who have contributed art, writing, photography and short stories. Bands playing are Mane Horse, Grow, Asian Girls, The Milford Higgins and Cinco:

STARLINE: Rock local with Jabu, Babel and Firecat:
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