The Foo Fighters Pay Fresno Back For 22 Years Of Nothing [Includes Fresno Setlist]

Dave-Grohl The Foo Fighters Pay Fresno Back For 22 Years Of Nothing [Includes Fresno Setlist]

“We never fuckin’ played here before? Shut the fuck up. Shut, the fuck up. Are you fuckin’ serious? … Whoops… Sorry.” That was the moment during the Foo Fighters show at Save Mart Center Friday when Dave Grohl realized it took Foo 22 years to play Fresno.

It seemed they may have actually felt guilty because they played an extra long time and more songs than they have been playing on their current Concrete and Gold tour.

It was an amazing rock show. A clinic. This group has been playing a long time and they knew what the crowd wanted and delivered it.

The setlist came dangerously close to my dream setlist, I was shocked they played “White Limo” and really could not have been much happier. Let’s take a look at the Fresno show setlist:

  1. Run
  2. All My Life
  3. Learn To Fly
  4. The Pretender
  5. The Sky Is A Neighborhood
  6. Rope
  7. Drum solo (with Dave & Taylor jam intro)
  8. Sunday Rain
  9. My Hero
  10. One Of These Days
  11. Walk
  12. Let It Die
  13. This Is The Call
  14. White Limo
  15. Arlandria
  16. Times Like These
  17. Breakout
  18. Make It Right
  19. Under My Wheels (Alice Cooper cover sang by Chris Shiflett)
  20. Better Shape Up (Grease)/Jump (Van Halen)/Blitzkrieg Bop (The Ramones)
  21. Under Pressure (Queen cover, with Dave Grohl drumming and Tayor Hawkins/Luke Spiller [the Struts] singing)
  22. Monkey Wrench
  23. Best Of You (First closing song)
  24. Dirty Water [encore]
  25. Breakdown (Tom Petty cover/tribute) [encore]
  26. This Is The Call
  27. Everlong

Pretty sure I got that right, 26ish songs. Crazy. The show lasted 3 hours and 13 minutes. It did not feel that long at all. When the show let out I thought it was maybe 10:45, but it was Midnight.

I’m not a good enough writer to conjure up all the proper descriptions of what happened during this show. All I can say is it was fucking metal and moving, all at once. Thank you, Foo Fighters, for playing Fresno finally. And thank you, Dave, for not doing the “I don’t call it FresNO, I call it FresYES” joke hack singers use when they play here.

Speaking of Fresno, my favorite part of big shows is when the city is acknowledged by the band and a bit can be made out of it. Here is Dave talking out how the Foo Fighters have never played Fresno, complete with “sad mutherfuckers” and “Times Like These“:

I was super impressed by the stage lighting and video screen, so whoever designed that, kudos. It kept evolving throughout the night and my favorite is when it came down over the stage, creating a ‘roof’ on the stage and giving the show an intimate club feel for a few songs. Very cool.

Anyway, thanks for reading, please leave any Foo Fighter show thoughts in the comments!

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...

5 thoughts to “The Foo Fighters Pay Fresno Back For 22 Years Of Nothing [Includes Fresno Setlist]”

    1. Me too. But usually at a show at about the two hour mark I’m like “Ok, wrap it up, guys” but this one I was ready for more after 3-plus.

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