Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

730606AA-8816-47DD-8E9B-FF60B8465F3F Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

Well done City Of Fresno for declaring June 18th, Black Lives Matter Day in the City Of Fresno!

F6018D8A-C5CF-4CE2-AC49-F51E54712EC8 Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

Well done Fresnans for showing up last Thursday, on a workday, to make such a wonderful piece of art.

Well done Fresno State NAACP, once again.

Well done Craig Kohlruss for the great pic (at top) and story in the Bee.

Keep the momentum going everyone!

*A good Juneteenth link to check out.

*Donate to good things here.

Here is a great map (via @mikeoz) of Black owned food businesses you can search out:

8e687969-f91c-47c6-9b7a-3bb37aa320a3 Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno
Black owned restaurants in Fresno

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...