Palmdon, Jackrabbits, Fig Orchards and El Torre Chingon

Palmdon Palmdon, Jackrabbits, Fig Orchards and El Torre Chingon

Palmdon Drive? Palm. don. Can we agree it’s the worst street name in Fresno? I get it, I get it, it’s a blend of Palm & Herndon. Yeah well it’s terrible.

I don’t think it’s a legit street name. When you look it up in Google Maps, it will show where Palmdon Drive is but it won’t place the name on the street. I think the street sign holds as much validity as an “Only Bulldog Fans Can Park Here” novelty sign.

This block used to be a fig orchard. NW Fresno used to be filled with fig orchards. They are all but gone now. I lived in the neighborhood behind it when I was a kid and that fig orchard was our park.

I used to hit golf balls, play wiffleball, let my dogs run around and attempt to catch jack rabbits, and even hide from tween life. In later years it became a place to have “fig parties” but that’s a story for another time.

Now it’s just offices, car dealerships, Starbucks and of course, the Univison Tower:

the-tower Palmdon, Jackrabbits, Fig Orchards and El Torre Chingon

Back in 2009 we dubbed it: “El Torre Chingon” (That Fucking Tower).

Not really sure why I feel like it would be better if there were still fig orchards around. It just feels wrong that they are all gone. Particularly this one.

Naming the street “Palmdon” doesn’t help.

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...

2 thoughts to “Palmdon, Jackrabbits, Fig Orchards and El Torre Chingon”

  1. Univision tower ugly! You worthless dung of a Zika mosquitos. If it were ABC or CBS tower, I’m sure you’d speaker differently and not request it to be covered up. I ask you, why not speak the same of other signs of progress. What makes you so know all, one sided fig eating, mopoke!

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