We just had a lot of fun with this one. Too much? Yes. Annoying sometimes? Yes. But good times. Dorktown's first ever guest, Aaron "The La Selva Beach Connection" comes back and gets rude with the gang. As usual we talk (over each other) about: Fresno, Clovis, craft beer, beer beer, Gold Lays, sexy Armenians, extra holes, other podcasts and so on. We also play a mega Or Game/Forit Or Againit/Is It Metal.
Make sure to listen for the remotes with Dead In 60 Years!! Plus some live Light Thieves and we play the new Fierce Creatures. BONUS remote with the mom older sister of Whitney Freeman from Achievement House. There may even be a "Bert" Easter Egg in a remote or two.
It gets real "drunk-y" so be warned. Have a listen:
Support Tioga Sequoia Brewing because they are big supporters of Craft Beer, Downtown Fresno and Fresno podcasts!
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