In Fresno Tonight: A Rogue-y Beginning

It's the time of year in Fresno when the Creative Community goes balls out. Besides the standard awesome Fresno stuff, the next 10 days has the added bonus of the Rogue Festival (hope you've been saving your Rogue Dollars).

Tonight has many choices. First there's Art Hop, plenty of stuff to do. Like a can't miss Jazz Hop show at the new CMAC with Poor Man's Poison, or Art Hop stuff like this:

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There's the beginning of Rogue with stuff like this and this and this:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330163023ec2b7970d-350wi In Fresno Tonight: A Rogue-y Beginning

Then there's the typical Thursday night music stuff with AC Myles at the Lamp Post and a tour kick off show from Bully The Kid and I Do Not Exist:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330168e834d28a970c-350wi In Fresno Tonight: A Rogue-y Beginning

The next 10 days in Fresno shall be interesting:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330167633355a7970b-350wi In Fresno Tonight: A Rogue-y Beginning

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...