Let your eyes focus on the NW corner of this NY Times picture. See that dead brown space? Yep, that’s right, it’s our little Fresno Aquarium in the New York Times!! Woo hoooooo! ?
Sorry. There is always room for a Fresno Aquarium joke.
One wonders how many generations of Fresnans will live to see the day that it never gets built.
The Sunday Times article is actually about infrastructure funds across the country and if the High Speed Rail will get some support (among a lot of other projects).
High speed rail AND an Aquarium! I can dig it.
(Not literally)
Yeahhhhh man! I hope I live to see the day both are built and operational.
I know the people personally who have been trying to get the aquarium built. The reason it is taking so long is that they refuse to go after tax dollars. They are wanting to build it with private money and an endowment so that it never costs the taxpayer a single dime. (Hows that for stewardship) This in contrast to the High Speed Fail. Original price $33 Billion. Current cost $105 Billion. Projected cost to completion…exceeding $200 billion. I am personally involved in the project and its been ill conceived and poorly planned from the beginning. They need to pull the plug. Even the original architect, Quentin Koop, has said the same. Its an unnecessary project, beyond the capability of the state and will NEVER pay for itself.