Hey! Does River Park Even Deserve Ragin’ Records?

eefce550-1fda-4b54-9dab-9f928a430c97 Hey! Does River Park Even Deserve Ragin’ Records?

It’s been mixed feelings about Ragin’ Records opening up a place in River Park.

First you’re like “Wait. WHAT!? River Park? But Ragin is, like, TOWER, dude. Metal. Punk. All subculture and stuff!”

River Park is not that.

When River Park went in it was mostly chains and a movie theater. North Fresno. The death of Fashion Fair. Sprawl. A traffic circle we didn’t get.

It was exciting and new, but no heart. Felt like it shouldn’t be.

Over the years it has evolved. Either by design or by necessity it is maybe a little more local – at least the core is.

Teazers. Barrelhouse. Coney Island Me&Ed’s. That place that used to be the sports bar. You know, stuff like that.

It feels more Fresno and I don’t know how to describe it to you more than that. Maybe it has just been there long enough.

So I guess after you work it out, it is okay that River Park has a Ragin’ Records now. Especially since it is in the parking garage (which makes it totally punk).

I’m getting soft in my old age.

Joshua Tehee and I have a good discussion about this on this month’s Flowing With Famous.

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...