Fresno’s Chicken Pie Shop is now closed for good. What are we going to do with that building?
Respect to the Chicken Pie Shop. A Tower and Fresno icon of breakfasts, chicken pies and green booths is now gone. Thank you for your service and your uniqueness. You will be missed.
Okay, now, what is going to happen to that building?
This a a major spot in the Tower District. A large building. On Olive. Next to all the things. It would be bad for the Tower District and bad for Fresno if it were to sit un-leased for a long time. We must figure this out.
Can it be a Trader Joe’s?
This is what everyone wants. If not a Trader Joe’s then something like it.
Yeah, Trader Joe’s is not realistic. Neither is any kind of market like a Trader Joe’s. Nice thought though.
How about…
Oh man, all of those suggestions are good.
Bitwise is so invested in Downtown now, I’m not sure they would come back to the Tower. They totally should though and that would be a good spot to do it.
Another stage for performing, whether for music or plays or comedy, would be perfect.
A craft beer tasting room or co-op?
Yeah, I would be into a Modern Times opening a tap-room. Very much so. It would be best if it was a local brewer. But the only one right now that could pull it off would be Tioga. Maybe Dust Bowl or South Gate. This is my favorite suggestion.
But what could a new tenant do to the building? It’s the Tower District and
In this month’s Flowing With Famous, we suggest that David Fansler, creator of legendary Fresno restaurants Tahoe Joe’s, Yosemite Ranch, Pismo’s and Westwood’s, should open a theater district themed restaurant. But I don’t think he knows how to create a restaurant South of Shaw, so nevermind.
Let’s Get To Leasing!
Well then. We have an open space in a major location in the Tower and some good suggestions on what could become of the location. Somebody get to work on something.
In the meantime, I gotta see about acquiring one of those iconic Chicken Pie Shop booths.
*Photo by Josef Cramer