Fresno Leg Sweep – Flowing With Famous Podcast for Feburary

flowingwithfamousfeb25-1024x1024 Fresno Leg Sweep - Flowing With Famous Podcast for Feburary

This episode is a kind of a mix bag of Fresno topics we bounce around on. Like:

  • The Sierra or The Sierras?
  • Bald Eagles at Millerton Lake.
  • There is something off about Fresno Facebook pages.
  • Cen Cal Cinema.
  • Measure P ideas.
  • Fresno theater jobs?
  • Band Of The Episode: Russian Leg Sweep.
  • Underground Gardens tangent.
  • Breaking news on what is happening with the old Zack’s Brewing building.
  • This and more!

Downloable or click the file to stream: FlowingWithFamousFeb2025.mp3

Thank you for listening!

Hosted by Joshua Tehee and Mike Seay.

Flowing’s Blogspot.

Josh at the Fresno Bee.

Josh’s local music newsletter:

Josh’s bands: New Old Man, It’ll Grow Back, Big Balls, and the Strikingly Originals

Flowing Into Fresno Districts – Flowing With Famous Podcast #R62

flowing62 Flowing Into Fresno Districts - Flowing With Famous Podcast #R62
Fulton Street Fresno

CLICK AND LISTENBieberStreetFlowing.mp3

Fresnans. This is your culture podcast. It is called Flowing With Famous. Mr. Joshua Tehee of the Fresno Bee and I have been doing this for many years, mostly talking Downtown Fresno and interesting Fresno culture and music stories. This month’s episode is no different.

We revisit the Fulton Mall groundbreaking and our feelings for that day. We stay in Downtown Fresno and talk about the Culture Arts District and if South Stadium is a good name for that area of Downtown.

The Audie’s Olympic era has closed and we reminisce about the historic Tower District music club which leads us into the Band Of The Episode: Let’s Go Bowling.

The playing of Let’s Go Bowling sparks yet another version of the game: What’s The Greatest Music Act In Fresno History?

We then talk about last month’s Fresyes Fest at Tioga and how we may be getting too old and if there a culture shift in Fresno nightlife. Plus Josh saw Justin Beiber… so that happened.

Thanks for listening!
Show feed. Subscribe on iTunes.
Hosted: Joshua Tehee and The Fresnan.

Post Takeover – FUSE Fest 2012: Flowing With FUSE

6a00e54ee89e6c8833017744861194970d-350wi Post Takeover - FUSE Fest 2012: Flowing With FUSE

Back again with another special edition of Flowing With Famous: Flowing With FUSE 2012.

Josh and Mikey talk about some highlights from the past five years of the Fresno Urban Sound Experience.  Plus, breakdown what they’re looking forward to this year, all with FUSE Fest music flowing in and out.

It’s a good time. Click to listen: FlowingWithFUSE2012.mp3

*Heads up: Some of the music is Not Safe For Work – which makes it more kickass.

FUSE Fest ‘Post Takeover’: Dorktown Podcast #122 with Werebear

6a00e54ee89e6c8833017c319eb9e8970b-350wi FUSE Fest 'Post Takeover': Dorktown Podcast #122 with Werebear

Musician and festival organizer, Cristobal, from animal-punk band Werebear and Spanspek Music & Arts Festival, visits Dorktown and helps the gang talk about stuff like:

  • Dove season in Fresno.
  • Is it okay for Dorktown to drink something other than Tioga Sequoia beer?
  • The whats and whys of Spanspek.
  • Growing up Orosi.
  • What is wrong with Clovis?
  • Mikey gets Dorktown involved with some podcast beef with Podawful and Ear Candy and it's awesome!
  • MUSIC BREAK: Collecto.
  • Werebear is also playing FUSE Fest 2012 dontcha know.
  • Mikey almost dies for Becky.
  • What the hell is a Werebear?
  • MUSIC BREAK: Werebear.
  • Fonzy Eyyys!

Please go out and have a nice craft beer from our friends at Tioga Sequoia!

Check out Dorktown's home, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like their Face and Tweet'um… you know… if you have the time or whatever.

Listen To This: Timmy T and Uncle Andy – Dorktown Podcast #121

6a00e54ee89e6c883301761732d2cc970c-400wi Listen To This: Timmy T and Uncle Andy - Dorktown Podcast #121

Uncle Andy (aka Producer Becky's brother) sits in on a Dorktown for the first time and tells tales of things. Things such as:

Growing up in Fresno, Portland culture and beer, the art of train hopping, the Ditch of Yosemite and the "weird" folks you see hiking Yosemite high country. Plus, Timmy T, camping stories and Producer Becky's nickname she doesn't want you to know.

Click to download or stream: DorktownEP121


Music break provided by College Kids.
The Fresno Urban Sound Experience is September 6th-8th.
Timmy T and his Key To The City.
"One More Try"
by Timmy T.

Support Tioga Sequoia Brewing because they are big supporters of Craft Beer, Downtown Fresno and Fresno podcasts!

Check out Dorktown's home, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like their Face and Tweet'um… you know… if you have the time or whatever.

Listen To This: Eating Out Fresno – Dorktown #120

6a00e54ee89e6c8833016768e94e77970b-400wi Listen To This: Eating Out Fresno - Dorktown #120

This one won’t make the Podcast Hall Of Fame but we’re posting in anyway, because, well, we had fun. The Dorktown gang hangs out and talks all kinds of local and what nots:

  • Laser Quest must be a front.
  • Tioga Sequoia Brewing has hooked Bells.
  • A review (sorta) of the Catacomb Party and the Fulton Mall.
  • Forit Or Againit: Bringing the COCO Bobblehead to Fresno.
  • Fresno Home and Garden Show: Horrid.
  • Castillo’s impresses.
  • MUSIC BREAK: Werebear “Night Of The Werebear”
  • Podcaster advice.
  • BEER DORK: Beer mules and Dust Bowl Brewing.
  • REMOTE: Spokeasy’s.

LISTEN HERE: Dorktown120.mp3

More Notes:

Dead In 60’s Catacomb Party video
Ear Candy podcast

Support Tioga Sequoia Brewing because they are big supporters of Craft Beer, Downtown Fresno and Fresno podcasts!

Check out Dorktown’s home, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like their Face and Tweet’um… you know… if you have the time or whatever.