Well done City Of Fresno for declaring June 18th, Black Lives Matter Day in the City Of Fresno!
Well done Fresnans for showing up last Thursday, on a workday, to make such a wonderful piece of art.
The Fresno Council has just announced that June 18th will be declared as the annual Black Lives Matter Day for the city of Fresno, CA in recognition of times of Liberation from the past & a hope for Freedom in the future!
Sorry to get into ‘dad mode’ but not enough of you are wearing masks out there at the food trucks. At least not Saturday, Downtown, in the lot across from Tioga.
I would say 55% masked, 45% not. #Math
Sure that’s a good number if you’re in NE Fresno. But Downtown, youz guys are supposed to be paying attention to shit.
I’m not talking about people eating, distanced away from things. Obviously you can’t wear one then. Just talking about people, walking around, waiting in line, ORDERING FOOD WITHOUT A MASK.
Here is a handy checklist for ya non-mask wearing folks:
Screw the person taking your order.
Screw the person in front of you.
Screw the people behind you.
This is why we’ll all have to stay home again come October, No Mask Guy.
Anyway. I still managed to enjoy my first truck tacos in three months, thanks for asking.
Fresno is about to “open up” because…[really I’m just too exhausted to get into it and you probably are too].
Above is a picture I took yesterday of the cantina from Casa Corona (no relation) at Bullard & West. In the times before COVID 19, it was always packed (even with its crap beer selection – OHHH sick burn).
It is a fun and lively bar, even with the lack of craft beer (burn #2), and it will be nice to see it return… I guess. You won’t see me sitting down inside a bar or restaurant any time soon, but if you need this in your life right now, have at it. Enjoy that freedom to acquire the COVID.
But yeah, anyway, I will miss it. The quiet.
I will miss sitting outside and not hearing much traffic at night. I will miss riding and walking around the neighborhood with few vehicles to contend with.
Empty parking lots. Less smog. More people walking. Enjoying their front porch. Bikers. Runners. I will miss it. I will miss the quiet.
It’s has been talked about during this Pandemic, as we use food delivery service up the ying-yang, that Door Dash, Grub Hub and maybe Postmates too, kinda suck as employers. That and restaurants make little to nothing using them.
There was even this post about how Door Dash will deliver food from places that don’t deliver, lose an ass-load of money doing it, just to later convince a restaurant to use them as a delivery service.
My personal morals tell me to not use these delivery services, but I still do… sometimes.
I don’t feel good about it. Makes me uncomfortable every time I do. Not only because I know the restaurant isn’t making nearly as much as it should, but because having a third party handling my food slightly skeezes me out.
The thing I tell myself to make me feel slightly better is that I only use these delivery services for places I would have never ordered from anyway. I still go and pickup takeout from my normal places.
This week, we ordered some Quesadilla Gorilla using GrubHub. I only eat there when I happen to be around Fresno High, it’s slightly outside of my takeout routes.
It was freaking delicious as always. I would not have ordered it otherwise. So why do I feel guilty still?
Would it be better not to use these delivery services at all, or does it make it ok if I’m buying from a local place that I would not have otherwise?
Fresno’s Bitwise Industries has a virtual festival happening Saturday called No Place Like Home. It starts at 9 am and goes till 10 pm.
Go here to sign up. I “bought” three tickets. They’re free but you still need to sign up. If you want to go all the way with it, you can buy a box that has swag to maximize the festival experience.
I might be more interested in the box Tioga has put together for it with the new and exclusive Valley Sunrise:
How the hell is this gonna work?
I assume there will be a constant Main Stage channel to watch and maybe some Stage B and C action to look at if you feel like flipping back & forth, I don’t really know dude.
They are going to stream stuff to the Internets and we’ll watch, nuff said.
I plan on having it in on the background on a screen somewhere in the house, all day, with focused stops to watch some of the more interesting acts.
I’ll be looking out for the music acts for sure:
SAGEY. Everything I have seen from these guys have been creative so I am willing to bet they have something cool planned.
PATRICK CONTRERAS: He has been keeping his chops up with his driveway concerts, he’s gotta be ready for this.
RAY’S BOOM BOOM ROOM. With a name like that there is no way his feed won’t be interesting.
How the hell is there food availible for this?
Organizers have teamed with Fresno Street Eats to have festival vendor food sent to your safe place. Not real sure how all that will work, but I guess we’ll find out Saturday.
I hope I don’t run into any people I don’t want to talk to. Or end up kicking myself for not remembering their name, or die of lameness for making bad awkward comments to people, or get drunk and… oh wait, virtual, I almost forgot. I’ll only be embarrassing myself at my own house like I do every day. Neat.
I’m sure Fresnans will still complain about parking though. And not enough bathrooms, which, actually, I have a complaint about… oh dammit, VIRTUAL, *bangs forehead* Mike, virtual festival.
In fact, if Bitwise wants to make it feel like a real festival, it will start an hour late and fall further behind schedule as the day goes.
Seriously, props to Bitwise and everyone involved in putting it together. I’m actually slightly pumped to see this thing. And thanks for giving me something to drink beer to while staring at stuff.
I’ll leave you with some Sagey to pump you up. Please mosh at home responsibly.