BANDGEEK!: Bands Are Going To Be Doing WHAT This Weekend Exactly?

A St. Patrick's Day Weekend in Fresno is just like any other weekend in Fresno: Lots of drinking and lots of live local music. It's BANDGEEEEK!!:


KUPPAJOE: Awwww, Kady Danger, look at them down there. Such sweet boys. Sweet boys THAT FUCKING PLAY BADASS METAL! Raise some money for their tour and see Your Hero Is A Villain, Head Over Heals, Infinate and The Day I Ate The Moon:

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AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: Experience the Russian return of Igor & The Red Elvises… the Mofo Party Band must break them:

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FULTON 55: Yet another interesting event by the Soulflower Group:

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STARLINE: Fresno rock band, Gutterfish, will play embassador to Sweedish bands The Quill and Birch Hill Dam. Opening is Outside The Wire:

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C.A.F.E. INFOSHOP: What's in a name, really? Take Fuck Tard for example… it's just a name. And before you say "Only a Fresno band would call themselves "Fuck Tard", the jokes on you, they're totally from Oakland. Locals Needy Eevy, Born Loser and One Last Caress:

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THE LAMP POST: Nasty boys, Cousin Fister, are playing music and God knows what else. [$?, 8pm, 21+]

CLUB RETRO: Fresno hardrock band, Rise Before The Fall and more… we can only presume (Club Retro's not so hot in the promoting department). [$8, 7pm. All Ages]


FULTON MALL: It's an all day St. Patrick's Day event on the Fulton Mall. We know that Brother Luke is going to be playing somewhere at some point. More bands are playing, not sure which though… you know what, just go to Fresno Brewing Company and you'll figure it out. More info here:


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AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: It's sort of a Fresno St. Patrick's Day traddition; Patrick Contreras playing at Audie's or somewhere. Good as tradition as any, we say. Patrick will be doing all kinds of crazy stuff… dude probably can play an Irish jig…

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C.A.F.E. INFOSHOP: Just because you're not of the proper drinking age doesn't mean you can't enjoy St. Patrick's Day too. It'll Grow Back, Thrashin' Bastards and much more:

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STARLINE: Local rock band, Session, plus:

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THE CYC: Good local hardcore with Messenger of the Covenant, Farooq, I The Deceiver and more:

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FULTON 55: Saturday's show features Shockwave, 5150 with Fred Martinez and Parris Brothers with Bill "Electric" Church. Bill is a long time local musician that's a former member of Montrose, Van Morrison and bass player for Sammy Hagar. [$10, 9pm, 21+]


Well that's what we managed to find. If you know of a band playing, a weekend event that's not on here, or you want to talk about what IS on here, please use the comment section of this post to its fullest!

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The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...