In Fresno Tonight: ArtHop, Motor City Metal, Phoenix People and Jazz Rock Firsts

Like always, there's a lot of music throughout ArtHop tonight. Such as Brother Luke at [P*DE*Q] for Melissa Olson's hop. And there's always Jazz Hop [click to enlarge]:

6a00e54ee89e6c883301630632508b970d-350wi In Fresno Tonight: ArtHop, Motor City Metal, Phoenix People and Jazz Rock Firsts

After that, continue your Fresno night out with one of these shows:

AT C.A.F.E. INFOSHOP: Fresno's premiere punk band, It'll Grow Back, is playing with Against The Grain. ATG is a Detroit speed metal punk band that's in the middle of a tour of the states to promote their new album "Motor City Speed Rock" (download it for only a buck). THAT'S NOT ALL! Low-fi artist Jon Barba (Covina), synth pop band Comfort Slacks (Napa) and punk rockers Violation (Santa Rosa). [$4, 6pm, All Ages]

AT THE CYC: Check in on Good Amount (Phoenix), Angelo Harmsworth, Danny Lango, Josh Sagouspe and Fresno's Restaurnaut. [$3-5 donation, 8pm, All Ages]

AT AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: The debut of a new Fresno rock-jazz band called The History Of The World!:

6a00e54ee89e6c883301676725bbab970b-350wi In Fresno Tonight: ArtHop, Motor City Metal, Phoenix People and Jazz Rock Firsts

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...