In Town Tonight: Typical Thursday Night Kickass

Like it. It's seems Fulton 55 is opening things up a bit. Doin' some punk action, we see. Big Sexy Anus Kings are playing… wait. That was supposed to be seperate. Big Sexy and Anus Kings yes AND Anus Kings are playing…. Anus Kings. Plus the return of Fresno's Beastmaker and maybe the first time It'll Grow Back plays F55 we thinks:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330177444a68df970d-400wi In Town Tonight: Typical Thursday Night Kickass

Audie's Olympic. Fresnan Sahab, Mondo Deco (Sac-town glam) and Style Like Revelators (Fresno bluseyrock).

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The CYC. Kayo Dot is a "compositional/avant rock band" out of Brooklyn. Wreck & Reference is "experimental drone" music from Los Angels. Strawberry Jam (Fresno) and Ovarian Office… isn't playing, but Eindrah (Fresno) is taking their place so it's cool:

6a00e54ee89e6c883301761763f629970c-400wi In Town Tonight: Typical Thursday Night Kickass

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...