FUSE Fest 2012: It’s The Moments That Count

6a00e54ee89e6c8833017c31c31d08970b-350wi FUSE Fest 2012: It's The Moments That Count

It's probably a good sign when you are tired after a music festival. Nobody is ever tired after having a boring time. Such is the case the day after FUSE Fest 2012. We're very tired.

There were a lot of cool moments this year: Being moved by the rock of Sparklejet. Discovering Alana Hill has an amazing voice. Seeing Kat Jones reconnect with her Fresno fans. People tripping out on the robot that is Collecto. Light Thieves wowing F55:

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Werebear tearing it up the Lampost:

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People on Iron Bird Loft balconies enjoying Blake Jones:

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CMAC getting to show off their bitching studio…

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…and College Kids sounding amazing inside it:

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Cinco/TRKS accomplishing something rare at FUSE: bringing out teens:

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Basura sparking some festival dancing. Achievement House packing Fresno Brewing Company, making it all hot and sweaty. Tokyo Garden running out of all their Japanese beer:

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There's many more but, again, we're tired. Video coming this week.

Really happy to be a part of something cool for Fresno that you don't see much of in any other cities. Can't wait for what next year will have to offer.

The Fresnan

Fresno nerd. Longtime blogger and podcaster. I love talking local, music, beer, the Sierras, eating in Fresno, etc...

2 thoughts to “FUSE Fest 2012: It’s The Moments That Count”

  1. We had such a great time! What a bargain, so many acts/venues over 3 days for just $20. Our faves were first time seeing Strawberry Jam, Restaurnaut and CMAC. Later in the night as we were walking back to our car we saw the light show on the side of the CMAC building. It was so beautiful. Congrats Mr. See not Say and your hardworking crew of volunteers!

  2. This was definitely my favorite FUSE yet. Got to see all of my best muchachos rise and shine, and met some really great people I had been waiting to meet, as well as a few surprise guests in the audience such as the legendary Dale Stewart who posted up above. Restaurnaut would like to thank everyone who came out to the Fresno Brewing Co. early enough to catch my performance and share the laughs! You’re the reason I keep strummin’!

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