The Portals Into Fresno: Which Is Best?

fresno-sign The Portals Into Fresno: Which Is Best?

What are the best entry points to Fresno?

Let’s say you are escorting a person into Fresno that has never been here before and you want to make the most Fresno-y impression. Where are you getting off the freeway? What do you want them seeing first?

Many things to consider here. Do you go for the cleanest? The most representative? Most relevant? Most interesting?

Simply, what entry point would you use?

Shaw and 99. You’ve got the Forestiere Underground Gardens, the convenience of getting off Highway 99 and In & Out. But it looks like shit. Weeds and fast food. Could be a decent spot if they cleaned up the area around Underground Gardens and made it more of a park and light touristy area. But they aren’t.

Blackstone and Friant/Nees (AKA River Park). For some this would be impressive. If you’re going South on Blackstone from Nees it looks sorta nice. And there are those that just like new stuff. They like shopping. They like chain stores. This Fresno portal has all of that.

Herndon and 99. There is a bunch of new businesses there on the other side of the tracks. Northernmost entrance. Rademacher even plays a song about it, so that’s something – one of my favorite all-time songs by a local band, btw:

Shaw and 41. Well the Silver Dollar is no longer there so that’s all screwed. But there is Heroes Comics and Rocket Dog and that’s a rad representation of Fresno, in this nerd’s mind. Plus right there is Shaw & Blackstone which is considered the cross-streets of the Valley.

The Airport. I guess if somebody is flying in you don’t have much of a choice. I don’t see too many United flights landing at Sierra Sky Park. As it has been written, I am fond of Fresno Yosemite International (yep, flying to Mexico counts as “International”, look it up, bro). Plus Swear Bear greets travelers over the PA, touting Fresno’s awesomeness.

Herndon and 41. No chance for me here. It’s just an excuse to wedge in an old “Cross Streets” video from Dumb Drum:

The Amtrak Station. I kinda like this one. Nice area of Downtown. You can pop onto a freeway and get anywhere in the city in 15 minutes.

Tulare and 41. Maybe when the Farmers Market food court was there but I don’t want a Starbucks and Office Depot representing the entrance to my city.

Highway 99 and Fresno Street. It has Fresno street in the name. Center of Downtown and about where Fresno literally started. The Chuk is right there. The Downtown Fresno skyline is staring back at you. But it’s kinda sketch.

Shaw and 168. Fresno State. Doghouse Grill. Save Mart Center. The new Campus Point thingamathing. Looking kinda good here. WAIT! Clovis is on the other side of the freeway. Fuck. That. Way too close.


I wanna go with the Airport. But I think a place where you drive into Fresno would be a more accurate way to figure this out. Hummmmmm.

Screw it: Shaw & 41. Not the nicest for sure but best represents the City as a whole. I guess. Not real excited about that.

What do you think? What was missed? I’m expecting some comments on this one. Don’t make me look like a douche and leave me with no comments on this post, Fresnan.

(Fresno Sign photo by David Husted)

How To Be OK With The Fresno Heat

fresno-paletas-1024x629 How To Be OK With The Fresno Heat
Le Reina Paletas Photo stolen from

You’re not a Fresnan until you’ve suffered through enjoyed a Summer in Fresno and the time has begun to ready yourself for the Fresno Sun.

We’ve gotten through our first heatwave and I’m officially adjusted to. It just takes one solid three day run of upper 90s plus and I’m locked in until the end of September.

“But how can I obtain this ability to get through a Fresno Summer as an asshat such as yourself, Fresnan?” Well, here are my suggestions on how to deal with it and help make it better.

  • Crank your air. Sure, this is a no duh, but good air conditioning is pretty big. If you’re lucky enough to have a good solar system, then crank the crap out of that AC unit, bro, you have won Fresno.
  • Just don’t go outside from 2 to 6. Who wants to be outside from 2 to 6:00 anyway? It’s not like there is anything going on. That is unless you have access to a pool. If you have access to a pool, 2 to 6 can be rather awesome.
  • Paletas. These help a great deal. I am especially found of the ones from La Reina De Michoacana (even though I can’t ever pronounce the name of the shop). Bring cash and be ready to take home a dozen, at least.
  • Beer and water. Fresno has plenty of good beer options now (could always use more though) and we still have… SOME water. Drink both of these things (yep at the same time, hydrate) and the heat goes away. Drink enough beer and everything goes away (except your gut).
  • Patios at night. The Fresno Summer creates a perfect atmosphere for hanging outside at night. Add the previous mentioned swimming pool and beer to that mix, and you’ve got one very magical Fresno evening.
  • Get geeky about temperatures changes. This is a personal nerdy one. Follow, from day-to-day, what time temps change and see if you can tell the difference in a two degree temperature drop or rise the next day. You know when people say “Oh it doesn’t matter once it’s past 100 degrees.” Actually it does. And I’m nerdy and trained enough to tell. I’m trying to develop a skill, don’t laugh, it can be done and soon you WILL have the skill too.
  • Get with some trees. Drive up into the mountains for part of the day. Sure, you can do the same with the beach or The Bay. But it’s a lot easier to just run up the hill and maybe jump into Bass Lake, Shaver or Lewis Creek or push on into Yosemite. Have you had a beer and a lunch at South Gate yet? Do it.
  • The SJ River. Oh yeah, we have a river too. Pretty nice one that is officially in Fresno and stuff. There’s just not enough good spots to access and enjoy it. But wait, cue the San Joaquin River Parkway folks because they have all the spots a Fresnan can use to get in that river thingy that we forget is there.

There you go. It’s a start. Grab a beer and take in that 103 degree day. If it drops to 101 tomorrow you’ll be trained to enjoy it.



Let California High Speed Rail Build Those Underpasses, Fresno

High-Speed-Rail-construction-at-Herndon Let California High Speed Rail Build Those Underpasses, Fresno
High Speed Rail Construction at Herndon & 99
Thinking differently about California High Speed Rail might be in order if you are in Fresno and don’t want it.

It’s pretty damn confirmed that at all the major intersections the High Speed Rail crosses in Fresno, they will be building an underpass or overpass for cars (geez I’ve been really car posting lately). Those overpasses include the Union Pacific tracks it twinsies with through Fresno.

That’s right. No more trying to beat the train at Herndon. Or being super dorky and complaining about a stopped Union Pacific train at Shaw Ave:

twitter-rage Let California High Speed Rail Build Those Underpasses, Fresno

So if you’re in Fresno and think the California High Speed Rail is dumb, shut your damn face about it until the suckers build those sweet overpasses and underpasses. Yeah I may sound weird but underpasses are nice. I hear that’s what the Herndon one will be.

I’m thankful every time I go under the Sante Fe tracks at Marks & Shaw. Yes, children, there used to be a train crossing at Shaw and Marks and Marks didn’t even go through. You had to do this weird little road back out to Shaw then around and then… *SMH* it…it was a whole thing, okay?!

If you’re still not convinced every Fresnan needs to get behind High Speed Rail (at least until they are done with Fresno section) let’s think about this: They are already moving Highway 99 over 100′ to make room the those quick-ass trains. If you haven’t driven through that section of 99 lately, this is what’s happening:

Yep that’s some serious shit. Guys, we really don’t want California to figure out that this whole High Speed Rail thing is a BOONDOGGLE and say to themselves “Fuck this is crazy. Are we really going to spend this much money and move all this crap just to put the train tracks in? Meh. Forget this noise. HEY GUYS! PACK IT UP, WE’RE HEADING HOME!”

If they did that we would have a bunch of half-built things and torn down buildings. Fresno doesn’t need more of these.

Too much earth has been moved. It’s time to get fully behind High Speed Rail in in the Valley, even if it’s just Madera to Fresno and doesn’t make us a commuter city for the Silicon Valley.

Let them build it. I want that sweet underpass action.

BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That’s Fit For Your Beard

Let. Fresnans… BANDGEEK!:


KUPPAJOE'S: God will be watching Dreamers, Your Hero is a Villain, Before Kings, and The Vera Project. Will you?:

6a00e54ee89e6c8833017743502c3f970d-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

FULTON 55: Definitely the big show of the night. The last time 40 Watt Hype headlined at F55 show it sold out. So getting tickets ahead of time might not be such a bad thing…a non-Fresnan thing but still. Also local reggae rockers Clouded Vision and electronic popper Sahab:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330176166a58bc970c-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

THE REVUE CAFE: Hit the backroom for The Diry Dirties and more:

6a00e54ee89e6c883301676875462b970b-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

THAI PALMS: Homegrown trippled hopped rock from This Planet Prelude, For The Record and No Cause For Alarm:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330177435087bc970d-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

STARLINE: Maybe we've seen one-too-many fliers but we think THINK maybe, just maybe, we see some sort of subliminal type symbol or message in Local 13's logo:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330176166a6ee2970c-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

THE LAMP POST: Local METAALLL with Hands That Kill, 9th Level, Dawning Of A Massacre and Fatal Rebirth. [$4, 8pm, 21+]


AUDIE'S OLYMPIC: It's the Fresno Beard & Moustache Club's three year anniversary and all beards will be flared for Gayle and the Bowties, punk tributers The Misshits, Meat Wagon Apocalypse and That Guy Kevin:

6a00e54ee89e6c88330176166d3b2e970c-350wi BANDGEEK!: All The Live Music In Fresno This Weekend That's Fit For Your Beard

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Listen To This: Dorktown #117 – Eli & Luke “The Quiet Americans”

6a00e54ee89e6c8833017742f3b2d2970d-400wi Listen To This: Dorktown #117 - Eli & Luke "The Quiet Americans"

In the latest episode of Dorktown, the crew is joined by Eli and Luke from Fresno noise pop band The Quiet Americans. some things discussed:

  • Dorktown has joined forces with Tioga Sequoia Brewing (you know, like every other podcast in town).
  • Craft beer and a review of Rogue's Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale.
  • Buy stamps and the post office.
  • What's going on with the Quiet Americans.
  • Fresno crowds.
  • MUSIC BREAK!: "Selia"
  • Stories of the road.
  • Bells Air Guitar stories.
  • LA, SF and East Bay venues.
  • Fresno pizza.
  • Mike's Lounge: Does it need the 'hipster treatment'?
  • Fonzy Eyyyss.

Click and listen:


Support Tioga Sequoia Brewing because they are big supporters of Craft Beer, Downtown Fresno and Fresno podcasts!

Check out Dorktown's home, leave a kickass review on iTunes, like their Face and Tweet'um… you know… if you have the time or whatever.