Listen To This!: Dorks In 60 Years – Dorktown Podcast #114

6a00e54ee89e6c883301630586e331970d-400wi Listen To This!: Dorks In 60 Years - Dorktown Podcast #114

It happened once over at DI60Y: two local fowl-mouthed and swarthy podcasters coming together on one episode. You would have thought these two would've learned from that episode never to 'cross streams' again – too much shit talking for one person's ears to take.

They did not learn. In this episode of Dorktown, a majority of the DI60Y crew joins Bells, Mikey and Producer B in the Dork studio for a meta local podcast. There's talk of:

  • Bullard parties.
  • Podcast history lessons.
  • DI60Y's beginnings.
  • The crews current local video project, Who Eats Brunch.
  • How do you get free beer?
  • REMOTE: More meta podcasting with the Married Gamers.
  • Local celeb loving and bashing.
  • Will DI60Y make a Swede this time?

Everybody has regrets after this one. You should totally listen.

To hear this, stream or download this file:

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Listen To This!: Dorktown #112 – Your Jackass Friends Won’t Get This.

6a00e54ee89e6c8833016764d40e3a970b-350wi Listen To This!: Dorktown #112 - Your Jackass Friends Won't Get This.

A fresh episode of Dorktown is here to start your new week off. It's maybe more local talk and cussing than you could want or need but it's free so suck it up. Seriously though, thanks for listening and tell your cool friends. They'll hear stuff like:

  • New WWE tag team: Dork Town.
  • Low budget marketing with $1 shamrocks.
  • The best time to go to Art Hop is when you're invisible.
  • Mutants in Millerton Lake.
  • New Fresno bars.
  • Pagers ruled.
  • NEW!: Dorktown News.
  • MUSIC BREAK: Achievement House "Summer Spirit"
  • Audie's is still the best.
  • REMOTE: Tokyo Garden "Is It Metal"?

Listen by clicking the file below:
Dorktown112.mp3 [37:14]

You can also listen to Dorktown by downloading from iTunes. Leave Dorktown a message 559-492-0542.

The Fresnan Presents: Brother Luke and the Dorks – Dorktown Podcast #111


6a00e54ee89e6c88330163030317d1970d-350wi The Fresnan Presents: Brother Luke and the Dorks - Dorktown Podcast #111

Hey Dorktown listeners, long and interesting one with local musician Luke Freeman from Brother Luke and the Comrades. The Dorktown crew gets to drink some beer and hang out with Luke and talk about a buncha cool junk. Stuff like:

  • Bubba is not gay and grants wishes.
  • Does home-schooling produce assholes? Nope.
  • Mikey was bullied… let's all cry about it.
  • Bells went to Fresno High?
  • The beginnings of Luke's music life.
  • Weeknight shows can be rough.
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches in Clovis.
  • MUSIC BREAK: Brother Luke plays live!
  • What is Baja Sauce?
  • Dorktown gets sad.
  • Portland.
  • ValleyWho and Mike Oz.
  • The lowdown on Luke's VVV's residency.
  • FCC and Master.

There's a healthy amount of swearing so look out.

Click the file below to listen!:
BrotherLukeDorktown111.mp3 [1:18]

Make sure to look in on Luke playing with special guest musicians at Veni Vidi Vici's, Monday nights all through April!

Dorktown is also available on iTunes. Go like Dorktown's Face. Email the show:

[Picture of Luke stolen from local stud, Ryan C. Jones]