Dude, I can’t stand that damn astroturf backstop area at Beiden Field!! It’s been around for years and everytime I see it I cringe. I am sure it’s practical to take care of, but it looks like total garbage. Why???!?!??
Anyway. So, some other thoughts and things I noticed being a Fresnan the past few days:
Is it just me or is this Pearl Jam tour poster really bad? I mean, it doesn’t even look like them and I think maybe someone used an old Commodore 64 to design it. Glad they are coming to town though.:

This is the time of year you can see the Sierras (with some snow still) while driving around town and it’s great.
I saw Kopi’s car in front of the Market the other day. I looked for him inside but didn’t see him. I am a dork.
Yeahhhhh a cool (kinda underground) local show coming – don’t bother DM-ing Garry:

*closes tab*
Thanks for reading! ✌️