We like fliers. They give info so we don't have to search it out and type it into a blog post. Plus they're sometimes pretty to look at and they give some weight to a show. Just a little pro tip to all you venue owners and promoters. Yeah, I know you're thinking "But I already know this, you asshole blogger!" Do you?…Do you?
Props to those with fliers this week. This is…BANDGEEEEEK!:
THAI PALMS: New Rock 104.1 and The Antourage present Home Grown with This Planet Prelude, No Cause For Alarm and Tommy Marquez:
THE LAMP POST: Fresno's Llama Boy will rock the art right off the Lamp Posts wall – you should be there for it:
STARLINE: Rock with Death Alley Motor Cult, Hammer Down Sindrum, Spacehooker and TangenT. [$5, 8pm, 21+]