Trips to escape the Fresno heat

South-Lake-Tahoes-Marriot-Grand Trips to escape the Fresno heat
The Marriot Grande in Tahoe looking mighty good right now

I am like many Fresnans in that I can take the heat. May, June, July, and August is hot and we accept that. Otherwise, we’ll go crazy.

For me though, by the time September rolls around and something upper 90s or 100s shows up, I am like “Hell no! We have all had enough out of you. Get the freaking frack out of here!”

Well, this week is going to be in the upper 90s and 100 plus. And it’s September. Scew that.

If you have the means, I say you get the frick out of here. Might I suggest someone you can go to get away from Fresno for a day or more? These are places I have stayed before or places I want to stay when I can:

Or generate a whole package for a trip anywhere, using CheapOair.

I don’t have the money for this today. I blew it a few weeks ago in Yosemite. I will be at work hating life and sweating, hoping my swamp cooler will work at home. But maybe YOU can get out of here.

Get out for all of us. Enjoy life!

And when you come back the weather will finally be better and you can tell us how nice it was to get away.

Be safe.


Wetzel’s Pretzel’s is open in Fig Garden

wetzels-pretzels-fig-garden-1-scaled Wetzel's Pretzel's is open in Fig Garden
Wetzel Pretzel walkup at FGV

Check it out. I noticed today that Wetzel’s is up and running in Fig Garden Village.

It’s solely walk-up windows and I like that. They did a nice job of matching to the rest of Fig Garden Village – I thought it was going to look too goofy in “The Village”.

And I like that it is around the corner from Out Of The Barrel – easy hot dog and pretzel access while drinking and wanting a snack.


P.S. Now that you have your pretzel, why not look for some good coffee shops in Fresno?

P.S.S. For this post’s sponsor I chose you looking up tickets to upcoming Fresno things.

Why Did Amtrak Do Fresno Like That?!

amtrack-sun-912x1024 Why Did Amtrak Do Fresno Like That?!

Man, are you seein’ what I’m seeing there?

Amtrack went on their Instagram and decided to drag us.

Every city got its own emoji to represent the town. And what did Fresno get?: The fucking Sun.

That is messed up. What is Fresno’s best feature? The Sun blasts your ass.

You couldn’t have given us almond, or grape, or taco, or Kopi? Well, maybe there isn’t a taco or almond emoji, whatever…but the Sun!? Fuckers.

Side note: Can you get to Yosemite via an Amtrack bus or something because why youz got Yosemite up there?… OH SNAP, I almost forgot about Yarts! The Yarts bus comes by Fresno Yosemite International and the Fresno Amtrak station and it will take ya right on up.

Although the Fresno info on the Yarts schedule seems to be a moving target at the moment, but cool reminder for YARTS.

Whenever I see the Yarts bus going through town I yell out “YARTS!” like a big dipshit because I think it’s cool and I know those people are going into Yosemite.

Fresno’s Christmas Tree Lane Brings Back Walk Nights!

Christmas-Tree-Lane-Walk-Nights Fresno's Christmas Tree Lane Brings Back Walk Nights!
Walk Night pic from Christmas Tree Lane

I am not going to question it, I will just accept it.

The rumors are true. Organizers of Fresno’s Christmas Tree Lane have brought back ‘walk nights’. For you Fresno newbs, this is when they do not let cars go down Old Van Ness and they let people do something totally strange in Fresno… walk

Last year they implied Walk Nights would never come back, but here we are.

As per the tradition, there are two walk nights:

  • Saturday, December 2nd.
  • Tuesday, December 12th.

Christmas Tree Lane starts Saturday (Dec 2nd) and is open every night thru December 25th.

The Lane opens every night at 6 PM. Closes (lights off) at 10 Sunday-Thursday and 11 PM Friday and Saturday.

More info can be found here.

Where To Park On Christmas Tree Lane Walk Nights

You just park in the neighborhood. I assume people who live in Old Fig hate Walk Nights. But they get to throw parties on Walk Nights, so it’s kinda worth it.

Some people park in Fig Garden Village and take some sort of tram, or get a ride and are dropped off, or walk all the way down to Shields and then walk back.

Heads up: if you do park at Fig Garden Village, it is insane with cars and people. I went to pick up food one night not remembering it was a Walk Night, and got stuck in the Village for a while and didn’t even score food.

I just find a dumb house to park in front of somewhere near Dakota but not South of the railroad tracks.

Hopefully, the return of Walk Nights will relieve some of the pressure of regular car nights when the line to drive Christmas Tree Lane goes down Blackstone all the way to Shaw.

That is right. You basically get in line for Christmas Tree Lane at Shaw.

But hey, screw that, Walk Nights are back. I might hit up both nights, just because.

A nice video that Localish put together a few years ago:

Don’t forget to get some good hot Fresno coffee and I’ll see ya out there.

Still Available: Fresno State vs. Boise State Football Tickets

0C3B97B3-22A5-45A3-B4D4-025BEEE2043F-834x1024 Still Available: Fresno State vs. Boise State Football Tickets

I am seeing that the Fresno State vs Boise State football game tickets are sold out for Saturday (Nov 4th).

If you don’t know a guy that is trying to unload their tickets, there is the legit side of the secondary market.
My top pick on where to still get Boise State at Fresno State football tickets for Saturday:

  • Editor’s note: Since this game is history, you may be here looking for current Fresno or Bosie games, check this for: Tickets to a: Fresno State game. Or a: Boise State game.

Good luck. Make sure to get there early enough to tailgate.

It’s always a good time when the Broncos and Bulldogs play. Keep that Bulldog spirit up in your head.

Game predictions:

*Disclosure: TicketNetwork is an affiliate of mine so I might make a buck or so if you end up buying tickets. You could try Ticketmaster too I suppose, I am just not a fan.

In Memoriam: Fosters Freeze at Palm & Bullard

drive-thru-1024x768 In Memoriam: Fosters Freeze at Palm & Bullard

In case you didn’t know, the “Bullard” Fosters Freeze on Palm (if you’re reading this after August 31st) is now closed. It’s being forced to make way for a Starbucks.

Thanks for all the food and memories since the 1980s (for me anyway).

I shall miss your fries. Corndogs. Milkshakes. But most of all, my evening runs with my daughter to get a Twister and a hot fudge sundae (no nuts), when we were a little bored.

Goodbye, old girl.

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