Hiking Fresno: Riverview Trail – Bluffs Loop

san-joaquin-river-running-through-Fresno-768x1024 Hiking Fresno: Riverview Trail - Bluffs Loop

We tend to forget that one of California’s biggest rivers is running alongside our NW border in Fresno.

I have been exploring the trails (such as they are) below the bluffs and it’s pretty cool. They need a lot of work but you can access the SJ River in Fresno easy enough, if you really want it.

I went on a Fresno urban hike recently and took some video. This is part of the San Joaquin River Trail starting at the Riverview Trailhead:

I snuck me in a reward beer at the end at Eureka Burger. It’s worth going to for sure, you can go down to the SJ River or just wander around on the (I think previously private) property. Just a few walkers and people fishing is all you’ll find. This was my route:

https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8694ea68-55b0-4304-ad11-2d4d91d98d9d_1179x1966 Hiking Fresno: Riverview Trail - Bluffs Loop

(I forgot to stop the All Trails app when I drove around to Eureka Burger.)

It’s pretty funny with the elevation gains as you can clearly see when I went up and down the bluffs.

I plan to do a lot more urban hikes around Fresno once the Holidays are done, so keep an eye out.


Arena Rock Has Left Out Fresno

Weezer-Tour Arena Rock Has Left Out Fresno
Emma Wannie/MSGE – There will be no Weezing in Fresno this tour

There are a lot of recent rock-related tours happening that are NOT coming to Fresno.

Hey, I know this is nothing new. We seem to get about 25% of the bigger tours to come through.

Lately, it feels like more, at least in the rock genre.

Right now, coming to California (or just went through), there is:

None of them stopped/or will be stopping by Save Mart Center or Selland Arena.

Dude. These are all bands that have played here too. All are passing us up now. Two of them are from the Central Valley for fucks sake.

I don’t know if the no-big-rock-shows is a national trend or if it’s just Fresno, but it’s been pretty weak this year. What, like, Blink 182 and … well that has been it recently.

Are we showing up less to rock shows? Is Save Mart Center/Selland Arena not seeking these shows? What gives?

I guess rock is dead, at least in Fresno arenas.