Were Those UFOs Over Fresno Saturday?

A674DC68-B030-41DC-BCA7-5F3E2F79048E Were Those UFOs Over Fresno Saturday?

No, those were not UFOs over Fresno’s evening sky. We now know (thanks to this ABC 30 post) they were Internet Balloons or whatever.

I noticed them last evening (the two bright dots in the top right of my picture above) while staring at stuff. I first thought “Am I seeing something cool finally?”

Then thought “Nope. There is no way YOU, Mikey, are seeing something cool. There must be an explanation.” Last night I figured I was seeing a couple of stars shining through the atmosphere brighter than normal because of …. space reasons.

But now we know they were something called Project Loon (click it to find out more). This was the flight path of one of the balloons:

53339150-0190-4EB5-99C7-ABBC5E2BE7C5 Were Those UFOs Over Fresno Saturday?

I’ll keep looking up. Maybe one day it will be something cooler than a balloon. Here is a video about Loon:


Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

730606AA-8816-47DD-8E9B-FF60B8465F3F Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

Well done City Of Fresno for declaring June 18th, Black Lives Matter Day in the City Of Fresno!

F6018D8A-C5CF-4CE2-AC49-F51E54712EC8 Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno

Well done Fresnans for showing up last Thursday, on a workday, to make such a wonderful piece of art.

Well done Fresno State NAACP, once again.


Well done Craig Kohlruss for the great pic (at top) and story in the Bee.

Keep the momentum going everyone!

*A good Juneteenth link to check out.

*Donate to good things here.

Here is a great map (via @mikeoz) of Black owned food businesses you can search out:

8e687969-f91c-47c6-9b7a-3bb37aa320a3 Thankful for a Black Lives Matter Day in Fresno & Black Owned Businesses In Fresno
Black owned restaurants in Fresno

Wear A Damn Mask, Fresno [Food Truck Edition]

271DFC67-BD9F-40EC-993F-1CB46854C428 Wear A Damn Mask, Fresno [Food Truck Edition]
I’d like to thank THESE folks for wearing masks

You guys.

*dissapointed sigh*

*gathers thoughts*

Sorry to get into ‘dad mode’ but not enough of you are wearing masks out there at the food trucks. At least not Saturday, Downtown, in the lot across from Tioga.

I would say 55% masked, 45% not. #Math

Sure that’s a good number if you’re in NE Fresno. But Downtown, youz guys are supposed to be paying attention to shit.

I’m not talking about people eating, distanced away from things. Obviously you can’t wear one then. Just talking about people, walking around, waiting in line, ORDERING FOOD WITHOUT A MASK.

Here is a handy checklist for ya non-mask wearing folks:

  • Screw the person taking your order.
  • Screw the person in front of you.
  • Screw the people behind you.

This is why we’ll all have to stay home again come October, No Mask Guy.

Anyway. I still managed to enjoy my first truck tacos in three months, thanks for asking.

Support Fresno’s Black-Owned Restaurants and Everything Else

5071F05E-2C72-4269-9FFB-5B45A79CA98C Support Fresno’s Black-Owned Restaurants and Everything Else

I first saw this flyer on @MikeOz’s Instagram feed. I’m sure you’ve seen it, still wanted to pass it along.

Also found via Mike Oz, Fresno artist @Roeskidoeski, inspired by Fresno’s recent rally:


Make sure to check out what Fresno State NAACP is doing. They posted some sobering facts:

Fresno-Facts-NAACP Support Fresno’s Black-Owned Restaurants and Everything Else
fresno-facts-2-NAACP Support Fresno’s Black-Owned Restaurants and Everything Else

Henry Madden Library at Fresno State put together some good related links you can check out here.

Some more ways (via @Devoya) to help:

8B0131D2-121A-4319-935B-4E0A7B876F2D Support Fresno’s Black-Owned Restaurants and Everything Else

Stay safe. Listen to those that know.

I Already Miss ‘Quiet Fresno’

Casa-Corona-bar I Already Miss 'Quiet Fresno'

Fresno is about to “open up” because…[really I’m just too exhausted to get into it and you probably are too].

Above is a picture I took yesterday of the cantina from Casa Corona (no relation) at Bullard & West. In the times before COVID 19, it was always packed (even with its crap beer selection – OHHH sick burn).

It is a fun and lively bar, even with the lack of craft beer (burn #2), and it will be nice to see it return… I guess. You won’t see me sitting down inside a bar or restaurant any time soon, but if you need this in your life right now, have at it. Enjoy that freedom to acquire the COVID.

But yeah, anyway, I will miss it. The quiet.

I will miss sitting outside and not hearing much traffic at night. I will miss riding and walking around the neighborhood with few vehicles to contend with.

Empty parking lots. Less smog. More people walking. Enjoying their front porch. Bikers. Runners. I will miss it. I will miss the quiet.

I Have Door Dash Guilt. Help?

Fresno-High-Quesadilla-Gorilla I Have Door Dash Guilt. Help?

It’s has been talked about during this Pandemic, as we use food delivery service up the ying-yang, that Door Dash, Grub Hub and maybe Postmates too, kinda suck as employers. That and restaurants make little to nothing using them.

There was even this post about how Door Dash will deliver food from places that don’t deliver, lose an ass-load of money doing it, just to later convince a restaurant to use them as a delivery service.

My personal morals tell me to not use these delivery services, but I still do… sometimes.

I don’t feel good about it. Makes me uncomfortable every time I do. Not only because I know the restaurant isn’t making nearly as much as it should, but because having a third party handling my food slightly skeezes me out.

The thing I tell myself to make me feel slightly better is that I only use these delivery services for places I would have never ordered from anyway. I still go and pickup takeout from my normal places.

This week, we ordered some Quesadilla Gorilla using GrubHub. I only eat there when I happen to be around Fresno High, it’s slightly outside of my takeout routes.

It was freaking delicious as always. I would not have ordered it otherwise. So why do I feel guilty still?

Would it be better not to use these delivery services at all, or does it make it ok if I’m buying from a local place that I would not have otherwise?

I still don’t know.

(pic taken from here)